Welcome Video (2:31)
Course Introduction (0:48)
- Managing Accounts
Lesson 1 - Overview: Account Management (4:34)
Lesson 2 - Watch It: Viewing Your Accounts List Page (2:17)
Lesson 3 - Watch It: Adding, Editing, and Deleting a Household Contact (4:21)
Lesson 4 - Watch It: Adding, Editing, and Deleting a Relationship (2:58)
Lesson 5 - Watch It: Adding, Editing, and Deleting an Address (2:58)
Lesson 6 - Watch It: Adding, Editing, Pinning, and Deleting a Note (2:55)
- Generosity Indicator
Lesson 1 - What is the Generosity Indicator?
Lesson 2 - How to Minimize and Maximize the Generosity Indicator
- Action Items Available on an Account
Lesson 1 - Watch It: Checking for Duplicate Accounts (2:43)
Lesson 2 - Watch It: Flagging an Account as Deceased (0:44)
Lesson 3 - Watch It: Flagging an Account as "Do Not Contact" (0:54)
- Conclusion

Account Management
In this course you will learn how to view your account's history, contacts, relationships, addresses, and notes.
Learning Objectives:
- Navigate various Account List pages to view historic account information.
- Add, edit, and delete account detail information, including household, relationship, and address information.
- Complete account action items, including flagging an account as deceased and flagging an account as "Do Not Contact."