Orientation to Transactions

Orientation to Transactions

rate limit

Code not recognized.

About this course

Neon includes four distinct transaction types. Learn what they are as well as how transactions enter the system

Data Entry & Reporting

  • New Transactions
  • Types of Transactions
  • Donations
  • Memberships
  • Adding a Membership
  • Event Registrations
  • Add an Event Registration
  • Store Purchases
  • Store Purchases
  • Transactions as a Constituent
  • Most Common Ways Transactions Enter Neon
  • Constituent Login Option

About this course

Neon includes four distinct transaction types. Learn what they are as well as how transactions enter the system

Data Entry & Reporting

  • New Transactions
  • Types of Transactions
  • Donations
  • Memberships
  • Adding a Membership
  • Event Registrations
  • Add an Event Registration
  • Store Purchases
  • Store Purchases
  • Transactions as a Constituent
  • Most Common Ways Transactions Enter Neon
  • Constituent Login Option