- Course Welcome
Planning Session Recordings
Orientation Overview for Staff
Before You Begin
- Orientation Overview
Course Introduction
- Course Evaluation
Welcome to CRM Staff Quiz
- Strategic Planning / Determining What’s Needed
Planning Session Overview
Lesson 1 - Neon CRM Implementation Planning Worksheet: Introduction
Lesson 2 - Worksheet Section 1: Define Your Goals
Lesson 3 - Worksheet Section 2: Conduct Research & Involve Stakeholders
Lesson 4 - Worksheet Sections 3 & 4: Identify Risks & Define Timeline
Lesson 5 - Worksheet Section 5: Assign Responsibilities
Lesson 6 - Send the Worksheet to Neon One
Planning Worksheet Staff Quiz
- What’s Next?
Lesson - What's Next?
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Welcome to Neon CRM (STAFF)
Course 1 of 34 in Support Training
Begin Here!
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Identify ways to successfully complete the onboarding courses
- Critically evaluate your organization’s needs for the CRM
- Explain where and how to access CRM support resources