Recommitment in Neon Fundraise

Recommitment in Neon Fundraise

In this course, you will learn how to enable the Recommitment feature, request Recommitment, and charge Recommitment in Neon Fundraise. This course will take approximately 25 minutes to complete.

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About this course

In this course, you will learn how to enable the Recommitment feature, request Recommitment, and charge Recommitment in Neon Fundraise. 

By the end of this course, you will complete the following:

  • Define Recommitment
  • Enable the Recommitment feature on a campaign
  • Examine how to collect credit card information for Recommitment charges
  • Charge Recommitment


  • Welcome Video (2:31)
  • Course Introduction (0:40)
  • Recommitment: A Brief Overview
  • Lesson 1 - Recommitment: A Brief Overview (2:20)
  • Lesson 2 - Recommitment Emails (1:32)
  • Enabling the Recommitment Feature
  • Lesson 1 - Watch It: Enabling the Recommitment Feature (1:26)
  • Collecting Credit Card Information
  • Lesson 1 - Watch It: Collecting Credit Card Information During Registration (5:08)
  • Lesson 2 - Watch It: Collecting Credit Card Information Via Email - Request Recommitment (2:26)
  • Charging Recommitment
  • Lesson 1 - Watch It: Charging Recommitment (4:56)
  • Lesson 2 - Watch It: What If a Recommitment Charge Fails? (1:48)
  • Course Conclusion
  • Review
  • Resources
  • Goodbye!

About this course

In this course, you will learn how to enable the Recommitment feature, request Recommitment, and charge Recommitment in Neon Fundraise. 

By the end of this course, you will complete the following:

  • Define Recommitment
  • Enable the Recommitment feature on a campaign
  • Examine how to collect credit card information for Recommitment charges
  • Charge Recommitment


  • Welcome Video (2:31)
  • Course Introduction (0:40)
  • Recommitment: A Brief Overview
  • Lesson 1 - Recommitment: A Brief Overview (2:20)
  • Lesson 2 - Recommitment Emails (1:32)
  • Enabling the Recommitment Feature
  • Lesson 1 - Watch It: Enabling the Recommitment Feature (1:26)
  • Collecting Credit Card Information
  • Lesson 1 - Watch It: Collecting Credit Card Information During Registration (5:08)
  • Lesson 2 - Watch It: Collecting Credit Card Information Via Email - Request Recommitment (2:26)
  • Charging Recommitment
  • Lesson 1 - Watch It: Charging Recommitment (4:56)
  • Lesson 2 - Watch It: What If a Recommitment Charge Fails? (1:48)
  • Course Conclusion
  • Review
  • Resources
  • Goodbye!