Sales- Features>Function>Benefit

Sales- Features>Function>Benefit

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About this course

This course is meant to get you thinking about how Neon's features and what they do actually relate back to a prospect's needs and goals. We often assume that telling an organization what our system can do is enough, that they should be able to easily understand how our features can help them.

Most often those we're presenting to aren't able to quickly make those connections. So, rather than assume that they see the value in what we have to offer, we have to take them all the way to the logical conclusion. In this course you will learn how to craft, and practice crafting, benefit statements to better prepare you for meaningfully engaging with your prospects.


  • Learning Objectives
  • What is a Feature>Function>Benefit?
  • What is a Feature>Function>Benefit?
  • Practice
  • Try it!
  • Chose the Best Answer
  • Create Your Own Statements

About this course

This course is meant to get you thinking about how Neon's features and what they do actually relate back to a prospect's needs and goals. We often assume that telling an organization what our system can do is enough, that they should be able to easily understand how our features can help them.

Most often those we're presenting to aren't able to quickly make those connections. So, rather than assume that they see the value in what we have to offer, we have to take them all the way to the logical conclusion. In this course you will learn how to craft, and practice crafting, benefit statements to better prepare you for meaningfully engaging with your prospects.


  • Learning Objectives
  • What is a Feature>Function>Benefit?
  • What is a Feature>Function>Benefit?
  • Practice
  • Try it!
  • Chose the Best Answer
  • Create Your Own Statements