Sales-Scripted Demo: Modules, Login Portal, and Pricing

Sales-Scripted Demo: Modules, Login Portal, and Pricing

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About this course

The last part of the Group Demo consists of broadly reviewing the Modules, briefly showing the Constituent Login Portal, and covering Neon’s basic pricing structure. 

During this portion of the demo, we are focused on providing a higher-level view of the features we highlighted in the Account Record - our main purpose here is to further solidify the ways in which Neon makes your data actionable: “we’ve gotten all of this data into the system, now what? What can we do with that data?”


  • Learning Objectives
  • Group Demo Modules
  • Group Demo
  • Group Demo Video
  • Knowledge Check

About this course

The last part of the Group Demo consists of broadly reviewing the Modules, briefly showing the Constituent Login Portal, and covering Neon’s basic pricing structure. 

During this portion of the demo, we are focused on providing a higher-level view of the features we highlighted in the Account Record - our main purpose here is to further solidify the ways in which Neon makes your data actionable: “we’ve gotten all of this data into the system, now what? What can we do with that data?”


  • Learning Objectives
  • Group Demo Modules
  • Group Demo
  • Group Demo Video
  • Knowledge Check