Sales- The Personal Demo

Sales- The Personal Demo

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About this course

The Demo, or even that initial discovery call, is our time to really hook prospective customers. The demo is often the longest, most sustained interaction you'll have with them, and how you handle it can mean the difference between, at best, a longer or shorter sales cycle. At worst, not sweating the details at this point can mean losing the deal.

This course is designed to help you better understand the importance of the personal demonstration, the component parts of the demo, and how to use this essential point in the sales process to tell a story that ultimately converts prospects into buyers.


  • Learning Objectives
  • Personal Demo- Preparation
  • Preparation
  • Personal Demo- The Agenda
  • The Agenda
  • Personal Demo- The Presentation
  • The Presentation
  • The Pricing Conversation and Next Steps
  • The Pricing Conversation
  • Untitled Section

About this course

The Demo, or even that initial discovery call, is our time to really hook prospective customers. The demo is often the longest, most sustained interaction you'll have with them, and how you handle it can mean the difference between, at best, a longer or shorter sales cycle. At worst, not sweating the details at this point can mean losing the deal.

This course is designed to help you better understand the importance of the personal demonstration, the component parts of the demo, and how to use this essential point in the sales process to tell a story that ultimately converts prospects into buyers.


  • Learning Objectives
  • Personal Demo- Preparation
  • Preparation
  • Personal Demo- The Agenda
  • The Agenda
  • Personal Demo- The Presentation
  • The Presentation
  • The Pricing Conversation and Next Steps
  • The Pricing Conversation
  • Untitled Section