Create It: Adding Sessions

Access the Event Details page using the following steps:

From the CRM Dashboard:

1.    Select Events from the navigation menu. 
2.    Select Events from the drop-down menu.

The Events page displays all the events that you have created. 

3.    Select your event from the list. 

On the Event Detail page, in the Event Sessions section:

4.    Select the New Session button.

On the Event Session page:

5.    Enter “Cocktail Party” in the Session Name field.
6.    Enter “Cocktail party with keynote speaker” in the Description field.
7.    Enter “50” in the Maximum Attendees field. 

In the Session Date/Time section the event date is already populated, add a start and end time.

8.    Select “9:00 PM” in the Start Time drop-down menus.
9.    Select “12:00 AM” in the End Time drop-down menus.

In the Financial Settings section, add a single fee session on the Event Sessions page.

10.    Enter “75” in the Fee field.

In the Session Location section, enter the name of the location.

11.    Enter “Whitfield Room” in the Location Name field. 
12.    Select the Submit button.

Congratulations! You have added a legacy event session to your existing legacy event.