Create It: Conducting a Duplicate Scan

It’s your turn to conduct a duplicate scan.

1. Select the Tools drop-down menu from the navigation bar.

2. Select the Duplicate Management button.

3. In the Duplicate Scan section of the page, find the scanning criteria you wish to use.

4. Select the menu at the end of the criteria’s row.

5. Select one of the following options:

  • Run Scan (This will run the scan using the selected criterion.)
  • Edit Schedule (This allows you to schedule duplicate scans to occur on a regular basis.)
  • Unschedule Scan (This allows you to remove any scheduled duplicate scans you have previously set.)

When running a scan:

  • Choose the Compare Accounts link to view accounts and determine if the accounts are truly duplicate accounts.
  • Review the data listed for each possible duplicate account.
    • If the accounts are not duplicate accounts: select the Cancel link to return to the Duplicate Scans page.
    • If the accounts are duplicate accounts: select the radio button of the account you wish to keep as the main account.
      • Select the Next button.
      • Select one of the following options for each duplicate account:
          • Merge data with the main account
          • Keep this account (do not merge at this time)
          • Keep this account (mark as not duplicate)
          • Link the account as an Account Relation to the main account, or
          • Add the account information as household information to the main account. (This option does not merge two pieces of data, as does the Merge option. The Add option will connect the account information in question with the selected main account as peripheral household information on the main account.)
      • Follow the prompts to complete the selected action.