Create It: Creating a Venue Event with Assigned Seating

It is your turn to create a venue event with assigned seating using the new Events module.

Important Note: Seat Maps and Assigned Seating are premium features. If you wish to enable this within your environment, please complete the form that is available inside of the create event flow.

Note: Before you can create a Venue Event with Assigned Seating, you must first create a seat map of the venue. Please take the Creating a Seat Map course before continuing in this lesson.

To create a Venue Event with Assigned Seating:

1. Select Events in the navigation menu.
2. Select Events on the drop-down menu.
3. Select New Event on the Events page.
4. Select Events (New) on the Create New Event pop-up.
5. Select Continue.
6. Select Get Started on the New Event page.


Step 1: Basic Information 
1. Enter the event name in the Event Name field.
2. Select the Event Template, Performance or Class, that best fits the event.
3. Select Next.
4. Select Venue for the Where will your event be located? question.
5. Select Yes for the Will your event require assigned seating? question, as this is an assigned seating event.
6. Enter the name of the venue in the Venue Name field.
7. Enter the venue Address 1, City, State, Zip/Postal Code, and Country in the respective fields.
8. Select Next
9. Select Yes or No for the Link this event to a campaign? question. (Note: If you select Yes, the Select a Campaign drop-down menu will appear from which you must select a campaign.)
10. Select Yes or No to the Link this event to a fund? question. (Note: If you select Yes, the Select a Fund drop-down menu will appear from which you must select a fund.)
11. Select Continue to Event Details.
Step 2: Event Details
1. Select the click to upload link in the Upload an Image section to upload an image from your computer or drag and drop the image into the area provided.
2. Select the Next button.
3. Enter the description of your event in the Describe your event textbox.
4. Select Continue to Schedule.
Step 3: Schedule
1. Select the Add Date button (you may also select the desired date on the calendar). The Add Date pop-up will appear.
2. Enter the start date of the event in the Starts on field.
3. In the field below the Starts on field, enter the event start time by either scrolling with your mouse or using the scroll bars to adjust the hour and minute up and down accordingly.
4. Select OK on the time pop-up.
5. Select the checkbox for Set an end time to set an end time for the date's event (optional).
6. Select the Frequency drop-down menu.
7. Select the desired event frequency, as applicable.
8. If any value other than Does Not Repeat is selected in the Frequency drop-down menu, select the On radio button in the Ends section.
9. Select an end date in the calendar field next to the On radio button in the Ends section to select the end date of the event.
10. Select Add Date in the Add Date pop-up.
11. Select Continue to Pricing.
Step 4: Pricing
1. Select your venue in the Select a Seating Map section. (You must have already created the seat map to complete this step. See the Creating a Seat Map course for more information.)
2. Select Next.
3. Select Create Ticket Type. The Create Ticket pop-up will appear.
4. Enter a ticket name (such as Adult) in the Ticket Name field.
5. Select Paid or Free. (Note: If you select Paid, continue through the following step. If you select Free, jump to step 7.)
6. Enter the dollar amount of each ticket in each price tier field. (The available pricing tiers will depend on your venue. All assigned seating events will have at least one pricing tier.)
7. Select the arrow next to the Advanced Settings heading.
8. Enter a Ticket Description (optional).
9. Select the checkbox next to Hide Ticket Type if the ticket should not display online (optional).
10. Select the Non-Deductible Amount toggle (optional).
11. Enter the non-deductible amount of the ticket in the Non-Deductible Amount field (optional).
12. Select Add Ticket in the Create Ticket pop-up.
13. Repeat steps 3-12 to add additional ticket types.
14. Select Continue to Publish.
Step 5: Publish
1. Under the When do you want tickets to go on and off sale? question:
    • Select the applicable radio button for the Ticket sales start section:
      • Immediately
      • Set all sales to start on a specific date (complete the additional fields that appear)
      • Schedule sales to start by occurrence (complete the additional fields that appear)
    • Select a radio button for the Ticket sales end section:
      • Default (ends on the start time of the occurrence)
      • Schedule sales to end by occurrence (complete the additional fields that appear)

2. Select Publish.

On the Your Event is Published! pop-up:
1. Select the Visit event admin page link or the View public event page link to review your event (optional).
2. Select the Edit event link to make changes to your event (optional).
3. Select Close and Exit to navigate back to the Events page.
Congratulations! You have just created an assigned seating event using the new Events module.