Create It: Creating a Venue Seat Map

It’s your turn to create the sections and seats for your venue's seat map.

Important Note: Seat Maps and Assigned Seating is a premium feature. If you wish to enable this within your environment, please complete the form that is available inside of the create event flow.

To create a Seat Map:

1. Log into the CRM.

2. Select Events from the navigation menu.

3. Select Seat Maps from the drop-down menu. The Seat Maps page will appear.

4. Select the Add Seat Map button. The New Seat Map pop-up will appear.

5. Enter the venue name in the Seat Map Info field.

6. Select the Create Seat Map button.

7. Select the Draw Section icon tool from the left menu. The Add Section pop-up will appear.

8. Enter the number of rows in the Row count field.

9. Enter the number of seats in the Seats per row field.

10. Select the Add button.

11. Repeat steps 7-10 to create additional sections, as needed.

12. Use the Select icon tool in the left menu and click anywhere in any section (except directly on a seat) to select and highlight the section and move it to the appropriate location on the grid to match the venue layout.


To name sections:

1. Select the Select icon tool in the left menu and click anywhere in any section (except directly on a seat) to select and highlight the section. The Section pop-up will appear.

2. Select the Label tab in the Section pop-up.

3. Enter the section name in the Section name field.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 to rename other sections.


To customize row and seat labels:

The options in the Label tab on the Section pop-up allow you to customize your seat and row labels to match your venue to help constituents select rows and seats when purchasing tickets. To adjust your seat and row labels in a section:

1. Select the Select icon tool in the left menu and click anywhere in any section (except directly on a seat) to select and highlight the section. The Section pop-up will appear.

2. Select the Label tab in the Section pop-up.

3. Select an option from the Row drop-down menu to choose whether to represent the rows by letters or numbers (optional).

4. Select an option from the Show row label drop-down menu to indicate where you want the row labels to display (optional).

5. Enter the desired number or letter for the first row in the section in the Starts with field (optional).

6. Select the button for I and/or O in the Skip row field to skip these letters as row labels if the venue skips these letters as row labels (optional).

7. Select an up or down arrow button from the Label direction fields to choose to display the rows in ascending or descending order (optional).

8. Select an option to label the seats with consecutive numbers, odd or even numbers, or letters from the Seat drop-down menu (optional).

9. Enter the desired number or letter of the first seat in each row in the Starts with field (optional).

10. Select the right or left arrow button to change the seat order direction from the Label direction fields (optional).

11. Repeat steps 1-10 to customize other sections, as needed.


To customize the section layout:

1. Select the Select icon tool in the left menu and click anywhere in any section (except directly on a seat) to select and highlight the section. The Section pop-up will appear.

2. In the Layout tab in the Section pop-up, move the degree slide bar or enter a positive or negative number in the Rotate field to rotate the section up to 90 or -90 degrees (optional).

3. Move the degree slide bar or enter a positive or negative number in the Curve field to curve the section up to 50% or -50% (optional).

4. Move the degree slide bar or enter a positive or negative number in the Skew field to angle the section up to 45 or -45 degrees (optional).

5. Select the Save button.

6. Review the Saving Seat Map pop-up for any possible seat map issues and correct as needed.

7. Select the Save Seating Map button.

Congratulations! You have created a venue seat map.