Create It: Creating Custom Fields for Campaign Donation Forms

It is your turn to create a custom field used on a campaign donation form!

To create a custom field to be used on a donation form:

1. Select the Settings gear icon.

2. Select Global Settings on the drop-down menu.

3. Select All Accounts under the subheading of Custom Fields under the main heading of Accounts.

The Account Custom Fields page appears.

4. Select New Custom Field.

5. Enter the applicable custom text in the Field Name field.

6. Select the applicable Account Type.

7. Select the applicable Display Type. Note: If you select Drop Down, Checkbox, or Radio, you must specify the selections you wish to appear on the field's drop-down menu in the Available Field Options section that appears upon selecting one of these options. Enter the menu options, as applicable.

8. Select Save.

9. If you selected the Display Type of Drop DownCheckbox, or Radio in step 7, a page will appear on which you may adjust the order in which the drop-down menu options you entered in the Available Field Options section display. You may drag and drop the selections, as needed. When all selections are in the applicable order, select Submit. If you did not select one of these three Display Type options, you may skip this step.

You may repeat steps 4-9 to create additional custom fields, as needed.

You have successfully created a custom field for use on a campaign donation form!