Create It: Editing a One-Click Workflow

Now it is your turn to edit a One-Click Workflow in Neon CRM.

To edit a One-Click Workflow:

1. Select Workflows in the navigation menu.

2. Select One-Click Workflows on the drop-down menu.

3. Select the workflow you wish to edit.

4. Select the item in the workflow you wish to edit.

A pop-up will appear. The title and contents of the pop-up will vary depending upon the type of item you select. On the pop-up:

5. Make any needed changes, as applicable to the item you select.

If the workflow is in Inactive status:

a. Select Add Action on the pop-up, if applicable.

b. Select Save in the top menu bar.

If the workflow is in Active status: (Please note, when a workflow is in Active status, you may not be able to edit every element in the workflow. You may have to change the workflow to Inactive status if your element is not editable when in Active status.)

a. Select Save Changes on the pop-up, if applicable.

You may repeat this process for other items in the workflow, as needed.

Please Note: In most cases, you cannot edit the Trigger or the Target of a One-Click Workflow. If you wish to edit either or both of these items in the workflow, you must first clone the workflow. See the next lesson, Create It: Cloning a One-Click Workflow, for more information on this process.

You have now successfully edited a One-Click Workflow!