Create It: Performing an Account Batch Update

It’s your turn to view and reconcile accounts in the Partial Match Queue.

1. Select the Tools drop-down menu from the navigation bar.

2. Select the Duplicate Management button.

3. Select the checkbox(es) in the row(s) of the matching account(s) you want to act on, in the Partial Match Queue section of the page.

4. Select the link for one of the options below and following the prompts:

  • Merge link (This will instantly merge duplicate accounts into one account.)
  • Mark as Not Duplicates link (This will save both accounts as separate accounts and remove them from the partial match queue.)
  • Defer to Duplicate Scan link (This will allow you to conduct a formal scan using the duplicate scan feature to check whether these accounts are duplicate accounts using more specific criteria. Choose this option if it is unclear whether the accounts are duplicate accounts or the accounts of two separate constituents.)