Create It: Topics and Categories

Configure Event Topics

To start, we will access the Event Topics page using the following steps:

1.    Log into Neon CRM.
2.    Select the Settings icon on the top right corner of the screen
3.    Select Global Settings.
4.    Scroll to the Legacy Events section and select Topics.

To add a new topic, use the following steps: 

5.    Select the Add button.

A new topic line will be added to the list.

6.    Type the name of the topic.
7.    Select the Submit button.

The list displays the new topic in alphabetical order. 

If you need to delete a topic, use the following steps:

8.    Select the checkbox next to the topic name.
9.    Select the Delete button.

You can also make a topic active or inactive in the Status column.

10.    Select “Active” or “Inactive” from the drop-down menu.
11.    Select the Submit button.
12.    Select the Cancel button to navigate back to the Global Settings page.

Configure Event Categories 

Event categories is another way to group events. This option also allows you to assign a code to your category to further group your events.

1.    From the Global Settings page, in the Legacy Events section, select the Categories link.

To add a new category, use the following steps: 

2.    Select the Add button. 

A new category line will be added to the list.

3.    Enter the name of the category in the Name column.
4.    Enter the code in the same row as the category, for the Code column.
5.    Select the Submit button.

The list displays the new topic in alphabetical order. 

To delete a category:

6.    Select the checkbox next to the topic name.
7.    Select the Delete button.

Once the categories are configured:

8.    Select the Submit button.

You have added event topics and categories to help group your legacy events.