What is a One-Click Workflow?
One-Click Workflows are pre-built, commonly used workflows in Neon CRM you can activate with just one (or two) easy clicks.
Before activating a One-Click Workflow, however, you must ensure each email and activity item in the workflow is edited and/or personalized according to your organization's standards. You will learn how to activate, edit, clone, and test a One-Click Workflow in the following lessons. First, however, let's quickly learn about each of the six One-Click Workflows available in Neon CRM.
Please Note: Depending on your subscription, you may not have access to all of the workflows discussed below.
One-Click Workflows in Neon CRM (each described below the image).

New Donor Welcome Series
This email series sends a thank you email to a first-time donor seven days after their donation. It sends a second email thirty days later with a personalized impact story about how their donation has helped your organization. It concludes with a phone call to the new donor to learn about their giving motivation.
New Member Welcome Series
This email series sends a thank you email to newly registered members two days after they complete their registration. It sends a second email seven days later urging the new member to log in to their member account to access member benefits. It concludes with a phone call to the new member to learn about their interests.
Lapsed Member Recapture Series
This email series sends an email to a member thirty days after their membership ends to prompt them to renew their membership. If they do not renew their membership, a follow-up reminder email is sent and a follow-up phone call is made.
New Volunteer Application Follow-Up
This workflow sends a thank you email to a constituent after they complete a volunteer application. An internal email is also sent to system users with a prompt to review the application. The constituent’s Individual Account Type will also be changed to Volunteer.
Recurring Donation - Credit Card Expiration Reminder
This workflow sends a constituent who has a recurring donation set up on their account an email ten days prior to the next recurring donation date if the credit card information on file has expired.
Auto-Renew Membership - Credit Card Expiration Reminder
This workflow sends a constituent with an auto-renewing membership, but who also has a credit card that will expire before the end of their current membership, a reminder email to update their credit card information before their membership auto-renews.