Lesson 1 - Introduction to Replicating, Delisting and Ending a Campaign


Replicating a Campaign

Please note that the options in the following lessons are only used by nonprofits with the Premier or Enterprise package, which allow for platform campaigns and multiple campaigns in the admin interface.

Replicating makes a copy of a campaign. It is useful if you want to copy a campaign and make several different versions of it. For example, if you have different locations where you are running the same campaign and you want to make a campaign for each city.

Replicating can also be used as an alternative to relaunching. Instead of reusing one campaign with a relaunch, replicating allows you to create and use a new campaign that is a copy of the previous year. This is useful if you want to have separate websites for both campaign years so that they can run simultaneously. This also keeps a permanent record of the website content of previous years.

Please note that relaunching Platform Campaigns is not an option in the admin interface, but the Neon One team is able to relaunch a platform campaign for you at your request.

Delisting and Ending a Campaign

When a campaign is over and you do not wish to relaunch it for the new year, you can delist or end it. When you delist a campaign, the system keeps all the links active but removes the campaign from being listed on the connected platform campaign. This is a good option if you want to keep the campaign running but no longer want to advertise it on the platform.

Ending a campaign deactivates the campaign website completely.  If you have a campaign that's not going to run anymore and you want to shut it down, use the end campaign feature.